Rosie McGuigan

In a World with so much going on, congratulations on taking the time to connect with yourself.
In a World spilling over with people, for remembering you are an individual.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Thought for the Day - Seasonal Barometer

The weather can often dictate how we feel, particularly in the cold winter months (it's raining outside my office in Barry!). But here's the good news...

I would invite you to take charge of your emotional health, by creating an 'Emotional Barometer' in the comfort of your own head. It really is very simple - here's my 3 steps to an emotional sunny day.
(Here's a nice musical number to accompany this thought process, you might want to play it in the background...

Step 1 Pick a number between 1 and 10 (this is called Scalling, but we'll cover more of that later) to highlight how you're feeling - 10 being fantastic, 1 being miserable.

Step 2 Check in with yourself at several points throughout the day. A miserable morning may not mean it's going to be a miserable day. A recognised elevation in your mood, such as moving from a 3 to a 7 can make all the difference to your day, but needs to be acknowledged. 

Step 3 Realise that you have the power to dictating your mood patterns more than you believe. Give it a try, and let me know.


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