Rosie McGuigan

In a World with so much going on, congratulations on taking the time to connect with yourself.
In a World spilling over with people, for remembering you are an individual.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Recipe for a Calm & Collected Christmas: Part 2

Part 2 - Reality Checking Is my reality real? What is my evidence that what I'm thinking is actually true? Has it actually happened, is it happening, or am I fantasising?

If it is not true/unhelpful: Stop giving any more of my attention to these thoughts. Become present to my immediate environment, paying attention to, and fully engaging with what I am doing, noticing what is around me. Use posotive self-talk statements to short circuit these negative thought patterns, remembering I want to behave in a caring and responsible manner.

If it is true/helpful: Is thinking about it right going to help the situation in any way? Are my thoughts helping me keep calm, or feeding my anger? Are they helping me to create an appropriate plan of action to deal with the situation constructively.

* It is very important to remember that the only person who can wind you up is you *

These steps make up elements of my 12-session 'Pattern Changing' course and if you would like to learn more, please feel free to get in touch, as I always welcome feedback, and would like to hear how you're getting on! - R.Mc

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